วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Cost-going to school- tangible cost =

  1. Oil money
  2. car 
  3. highway fee
  4. taxi
  5. lunch
  6. break food
  7. sweetyshop snack
  8. school fee
  9. sport trips 

Cost- going to school- intangible cost =

  1. waking up early
  2. mind tiredness
  3. sleeping late 
  4. physical tiredness 
  5. Hungry ( missing breakfast)
  6. Seeing Mr. Gary

Benefit-going to school- tangible cost =

  1. Prize- snack
  2. sell stuff for the senior council
  3. Eat friends' food (potatoes)
  4. Parent gives money to come to school
  5. Get diploma ( can go and apply for university)

Benefit-going to school- intangible cost =

  1. fun 
  2. making new friends
  3. knowledge
  4. find something to do
  5. Experience
  6. Get to play organize sports
  7. Follow the laws
  8. Monzon

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Moral dilemma

For all 3 cases i justify the killing. The reason that i justify the killing is because it is clearly for the greater goods. In all 3 cases the person who is the sacrifice will die shorty. The kid on the ship is about to die, the Jewish kids are about to be send to the concentration camp and hypothetically i can't live more than a week. It is justify to kill us because it save other people lives without significantly shortening other people lives. They say that i believe in logic and that i would have to make tough decision in the future. I think they are quite accurate because i think i am a man of logic, making decision without too much emotion.

วันพุธที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

The incomplete knowledge

We can never know that anything is complete. It is impossible to say that you know everything about certain subject because we can never proof that, anyway something are consider more incomplete than others. The best field that matches the Plato cave theory is the future. We can never know what the future holds; we can only speculate from the present. Even someone from the future travels back though time, we wouldn't understand what he or she is talking about because it a different world